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What's the new google thingy all about then?

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Bbbananas | 09:46 Wed 15th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Gissa Cluedo?

I dunnit with Colonel Bustard in the broom cupboard at Burleigh House, with the screwdriver.....


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Click on it and it will tell you Salla ;o)
I dunnit with miss scarlet in the kitchen with a length of lead pipe. Other than that I don't know what you is on about.
Question Author
Duh! Didn't realise that Lottie!!

BTW - have just updated any interested parties on my choices for birthday hotel treat. You were a fountain of knowledge of the Norfolk ones - Norfolk still features heavily. x
Agatha Christie is 120 today!! But seriously Salla if you click on any of the Google Artwork is gives the reason and links you up to lots of sites regarding the subject! Good morning by the way.
Question Author
Good morning!

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What's the new google thingy all about then?

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