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Speaking of cliques

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dotty. | 21:14 Wed 15th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
how long does it take ro recover from a hip replacement?


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2 years, 7 months and 18 days.
I don't know, Dot. I'm still quite young and my joints do not clique.

(lol, my ankle cliqued as I typed that!)
Yes, it is ... 2 years, 7 months and 18 days
my surgeon told me " As long as you want it to take"....So I took that as mind set.
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does it take that long before you can go back to work?
My friend had it done in the morning, drove home in evening and got upstairs to her flat, she's 65. She's still active 3y later.
It is exactly one year since I had mine done. You have to take care for 6 months and then gradually get back to your usual routine. If you have a sedentary job you should be OK after 6 months, but it would be best to check with your doctor or surgeon. It is up to you how you feel, not everyone is the same.
^^ Tambo I don't believe your friend.
ayg....not fibs, we work together at the hospital. I was amazed too, she has 2 cats & I think they kept her moving.
The first ex had his done (privately), got home and stood up to go to the loo............the hip popped out :-(
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I'm on my feet 9 hours a day 5 days a week and walk miles every day as it is a very large store, is it possible it is just a case of wear and tear?
What did you do Craft ? were you sympathetic..or did you laught and say "pull yourself together?"
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Mum had both of hers done - she was in (a BUPA) hospital for a week after with regular physio and walked with sticks for a while when she came home.. Very proud of her new hips - she was often found quoting 'if I die in a house fire they'll be able to identify me by my hips'.. which I found a bit bonkers... then, she was to be fair... God rest her adorable soul... xx
Dot if you have a total hip replacement you will be in hospital for 4 - 5 days. I went home after 3 days because my mother had died and I had to attend her funeral. I was issued with elbow crutches. if I stayed on my feet too long my legs and feet swelled up, you have to rest and do some leg exercises three times a day. Your chair is measured to a certain height and the toilet seat is boosted so you are not sitting in a crouched position. You won't be able to drive straight away. After 8 weeks I had a walking stick which was not very useful I didn't use it for long. You have to take care getting in and out of the car (passenger). Most things can be achieved but you can never sit back on your heels, probably because your hip could dislocate. I took paracetamol and diclofenic for a week or two, but it was painless, more of an ache if you do too much.
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I must admit to laughing when the daughter told me mazie........

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