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Answerprancer | 22:54 Wed 15th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
25 Answers


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It's a very personal thing, my brother got married in the Caribbean and nver told us, my Mum was upset but I was sort of glad not to have the hassle etc, different if young children involved.

Good Luck and love to all the planned newly weds ♥
How is it going to affect their lives?
Their Mum is going from Miss M to Mrs ?, Just ignore me Ummmm, I have my views, i'm not having a go at you specifically.
And they really don't mind. They would rather spend a few weeks in Ireland than with us...

They don't see their sister much and they've never met her baby sister. Haven't seen their cousins etc for a few years....What would you chose Dabees. A romantic holiday with Mum and Dad...or mischief?
Seriously? I'd rather be at my mothers wedding, and i'm sure my bairns would rather be at mines.

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