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Are you a Jeremy Vile/Jerry Springer watcher?

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Bobbisox | 16:26 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What makes people want to air their dirty washing in public, same as FB, not talking about the genuine friendships that have been formed on there, I have met some lovely people...
but a friend of mine had it all there for people to see something her husband had done when he was drunk!!!


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You've changed sex Bobbi...are you aware? Neither
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ha-ha Maizie, my dream man who I am going to see at the end of the month,,can't wait
Who is it??
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Andre Rieu
I don't put personal stuff on FB.....although I have been guilty of writing on my wall when Ginger's logged in. So all my FB friends who think he's quite sweet for posting that he loves me etc...that's me telling myself...

I don't air any of my laundry. If someone knocked on the door while we were having an argument and would pretend all is fine. That drives him like I say to's not their fault you're a pudding, I can't take it out on them :-)
A girl that was on FB used to always go on about how much of a B@stard her bloke was and then when they broke up how she wasnt going to let him see kids etc, she is vile and no longer on my list
A bit of a fiddler? Enjoy Bobbi x
Gingers cousin was a bloody nightmare for it...drove me nuts. Not only did I have to read it daily on FB he's phone me every bloody day as well..!
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oh I will maizie, ta
I couldn't believe my friend doing this so I told her, and ummm I am the same as you, nowt to do with anyone else anyway
I don't know why anyone has anything to do with FB. But for the TV, then surely the answer is money ?
i watch jeremy vile when i'm off work but i mainly sit there trying to work out how these peopel manage to pro create in the first place
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OG, it's ok for anyone who needs it, but my poibnt was using it as weapon to broadcast personal stuff,
I agree Fluffs, friggin' dregs comes to
I don't do FB but I have real friends who do and I admit to having had a nosey. What astounds me is the utter shyte that people type as if it is ground breaking news and of great importance. Why the fluff would anyone care whether you went to the shops today or what you had for your tea? Then you get people who put every last detail of their love/sex/family life on there for all and sundry to read.

WHY? :-/
Old_Geezer....FB has some addictive games :-)
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missi, that happens in here as well...ha-ha (I'm guilty as charged)
not the sex bit mind ya
I think shows like Jeremy kyle and Jerry springer are just made-up and exaggerated just for public's' viewing and to get ratings for TV. I'd never waste time looking at such rubbish.
Jerry Springer is certainly made up. Two guys were fighting on there the other day and you could see they were laughing.
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I didn't think you could as many chavs into one studio society..ha-ha

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