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micmak has given me some thought here,,,well it's bloody quiet for a Thursday!

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Bobbisox | 22:54 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Have you relocated with your job/
Do you miss your roots, would you happily return?
Maybe you married a Sotherner/Northerner and you settled in their part of the country...


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I worked on a project for a year in London, and was tempted with the offer of a permanent job and promotion to stay. Although I met some lovely people and went to some great places it wasn't home so I turned them down.
Question Author
you mean they had wine bars and not Gin distilleries craft..ha-ha
I am a born and bred cockney. Divorced and not looking for anything other than to get drunk and have a good time I met the woman of my dreams. Eventually we moved to Yorkshire. We have been here for 24 years. On Sunday she will be 60 and on Wednesday we will have been married for 31 years. Best thing I ever did.
Question Author
Wow, thats brilliant mic.
a good sound Yorkshire lass eh/
I am very happy for you
I didn't move far, only from Epsom to Hastings, but it never crossed my mind not to when I met my hubby cos that's where he lived. I would love to move back to Epsom tomorrow because I miss my family. My mum is one of 8 children and my dad was one of 8 children so I have a very large extended family who I would like to see more. I just can't afford it these days.
I was suppose to move back to Ireland years back because of his job. I pulled out at the last minute because I wouldn't/couldn't leave my Dad. Now I suppose I'd go anywhere.
Do you regret your decision ummm?
No...not at all. I had two other kids since then. I couldn't imagine them not having my Dad on a daily basis.
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Knowing how close ummm was to her Dad, she made the right decision I think
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I nearly went to live in Cyprus, all set to go and then my daughter became pregnant after 10 yrs of trying, we couldn't and no regrets
Gave up the boyfriend though....Still, no regrets. He continued to be a good Dad.

I think I'd up and go with Marty...but then I'd probably think...nah...can't leave Nan and Grandad.
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would you go back to Ireland ummm?
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I mean when you could and had no ties with family apart from the boys?
As adults we have to make decisions. Sometimes we chose right, sometimes we don't. We have to live with our choices.
I see ooor Cheryl is gannin to America with Simon....
Craft. what has that to do with the price of fish?
Yeah I'd go back. If the time was right. It's still very different to here in many parts.

I remember when my daughter went over to see her Dad...she phoned saying 'you'll never guess what?


'They have a Chinese in Town'

(Town is one street)
er Mikmak the post is about moving away to work..................
Right Craft. I apologise to you.. but (but I know sound like molly) I thought we were talking about ordinary people, not people who were in the right place at the right time

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micmak has given me some thought here,,,well it's bloody quiet for a Thursday!

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