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ELVIS68 | 23:34 Thu 16th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
They are only bad when you decide to stay in bed, once you`re up and about and had breakfast they go, agree or disagree?


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agree, couldn't lay in bed all day rather be up feeling sh!
Depends. I rarely ever get them and I'm always up about 7am no matter what I've drank. Sometimes though I feel really ill even if I haven't drank that much. Then I can't eat...not eating makes me feel sick...feeling sick makes me not eat for longer. Vicious circle.
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lol Bobbi, once I`m up and about I`m ok but I get the 4pm horrors
Hangovers simply do not exist in the North - East of England, as I'm sure my compatriots will agree.
Definitely agree Elvis. Best thing is to get up and have a nice fry up at the cafe with plenty of orange juice. Then start again.
When I have a hangover it is rare. I cannot eat because I am too busy throwing up.
Agree! Once you get up and have something to eat (and maybe some paracetamol) you feel ok again :)

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