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stokemaveric | 00:41 Fri 17th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
the cats in..... im off to bed..nite all...


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Night hun ♥
Good night, SM.

(I've just fed my regular feline visitor from along the road, who brought his mate along as well!)
Question Author
would you believe it ive just got her in and she has just got out of the conservatory door...which i forgot was open....grrrrrrr
Thats It........

Sid James and the Budgie sketch in the Carry On films

Own up Stokie lol
Question Author
lol elvis the ****** thing is giving me the right runaround mrsm is in york on a business trip and i let it out but she wont come in..its a burmese thingy and the wifes pet [you know what they are like] has got 10 minutes and then thats it...lights out....
My love of cats I`d shut the fooking door now lol
Repent your sins ELVIS....poor cats.
Question Author
i bet the neighbours think ive gone nuts ive just been in the garfen going ''psss pssss pssss'' still no sign of the flea bitten moggy lol
Forgive me Ummmmm

Stokie, find that fecking cat
5 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Mary's and you're forgiven dear child...

Stoke...get that cat or you might not be here to give us any tips in the near future..!
Question Author
job done elvis she is now at this very moment lapping up her milk in the kitchen,with an imprint of my boot on her furry a"se...[only kidding all you furry feline lovers]
I didn't even read the

Good cat..

Night all...I'm ofta bed as well :-) xx
Question Author
lol ummmm and we would all be a lot richer
Night Ummmmmm, here they are
Question Author
sleep tight ummmm

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