Great news to hear that women can have children in their 60s and hopefully more will do so in the future when we get away from sexist, ageist attitudes. There is few questions asked when some hidious ugly old man has a child in his sixties, seventies and eighties in fact they are congradulated. Why are people so agiest towards women the longest lived sex? People have such short memories, one hundred years ago the average life expectancy for a woman was 49 most women were not alive to see their last child reach 10, so why do we condem women who want children in their 60s when the average life expectancy of a woman is nearly 80 today? I say if we are going to keep people alive longer we must also keep their fertility going longer otherwise what is the point of living past 50 for a woman? Hopefully their will be a time in the future when the avearge age for a woman to start her family will be 50 a good age to be a mother. It is women in their teens and early twenties who should not have children, children having children is quite sick and that is why we have so many problem children, because children are having children.
In China they have a law saying that women should not have children under 25 in order to control the amount of babies being born, I say this law should happen here too and we should encourage women to have a future like men have and start their families in a more sensiable time when they are more mature and have lived a bit first. like in their forties or fifites. Just because things are natural it dosn't make it good. It is not natural that people live after 50 so if we are going to have an extended life expectancy so we should have a longer fertility time to go hand in hand with our extended life.