I've just seen your question while web searching for this same song title. I remember that it was often played on the radio when I was a kid.
If you still need further info on this song after all this time, this song is titled: 'The Dream Maker' and was the 'B' side of a Tommy Steele single - 'A' side title: 'Egg & Chips' and was released in 1963.
I understand that it was featured in the film titled: 'It's All Happening' (AKA 'The Dream Maker' ) which starred Tommy Steele and was also released in 1963.
I don't know if one can currently get this track on CD as I quickly browsed some sites for Tommy Steele recordings, but to no avail. Perhaps somebody out there can kindly help us further in this regard etc.
Hope the above helps anyway.