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alexanderd | 20:48 Sun 19th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Sorry about my sudden departure last night had a family crisis and had to leave toot sweet(or very fast) hope you all had a good night in my absence


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Sorry to hear that alexanderd. Hope all is well's not the same without you !
Wondered where you had got to, hope everything is OK now.
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Hi Ladya sister rushed to hospital with suspect heart attack, she seems fine today, sitting up and talking so dont think it was too major. Fingers crossed
My heavy heart is lightened now you have posted this. Hope your crisis is sorted. Still have you on my card though ;o) Oh Matron is gonna be so cross I got in first ♥
alex - I am sorry to read this - hope she recovers soon - she is in good hands as I know from my own experience.
That was an emergency, Alexanderd.
Glad to hear she seems to be feeling a bit better. Hope she continues to improve.
What a worry for you.
Thinking of you :-))
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thanks for your kind thoughts ladies we are very close as she is only 1 year older than me(war babies)
Oh Alex, so sad to hear the news and how kind of you to take the time to tell us. Good wishes for a speedy recovery to your sister.

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Thanks Mamy with all of you thinking of her she will soon be skipping down the lane (she couldnt do that before)
Blimey Alex you make us look like a coven of witches, skipping down the lane when she couldn't before. LOL. Well girls we'd better start concentrating.
Take her a tailcock, alexanderd, if you can smuggle one in.... (I wasn't there at all last night but I haven't made up an excuse yet.)
sorry alex about yopur sister. hope she is well soon..................... i just assummed last night youd got tiddley earlier than usual and had a "nap"

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