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seekeerz | 08:15 Mon 20th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
congratulations to rowanwitch, now she's wearing diamonds on her left hand ??

If not, I'll start the thread and wish rowan and red loads of happiness for the future !! xx

...and if I've missed it I'll slink quietly away, muttering 'nobody tells me nuffink' but the sentiments are still the same ....


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Tapas is the replacement word for tits ( t1ts )

So I'm sure Tapas and a bottle of wine would be divine :)
OK, it used to be!
Phew, I expected worse!

tits, tits, tits
it may be the singular tit
Oh I remember it now - I actually instigated getting 'tits' allowed after a thread on birds asterisked out half a thread!!
Its a shame the filter doesn't allow words in context....proximity checks exist I believe so 'great tits' would be allowed in proximity to woodland or garden but not in proximity to a female name... I am sure someone can start a whole new thread with suggestions..Where's Salla sounds like one she'd enjoy
many congratulations x
Thank you zzxxee from Rowan and myself !! x
Congratulations Rowan and Redman...........(do the sheep feel betrayed)
hello craft and thank you from rowan and myself ! We may ask the Sheep to be Ushers at our Wedding !!! :-)))
What's the plan Red? Big or small wedding...UK or abroad?
Have a happy life together Redman and Rowan, and God bless. x
Hi ummmm !
Next Year should see us get married but it will be in this Country somewhere, not sure what type of venue just yet. With Rowan being a Pagan it might be somewhere unusual !
Many thanks society from Rowan and myself ! x
Unusual is good :-)

I still have my hopes pinned on Montserrat for us.....I think he'll go along with what ever I want :-)
Montserrat sounds good ummmm, hope the Volcano does not go off whilst you are there !! lol
So do I....They have a week long celebration for paddy's day so I'd like to go then..

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