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when you read a question on this site do you do what I do?

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dotty. | 22:20 Mon 20th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Amswer it with a common sense approach whatever the 'right' answer might be or whatever the legal solution might be? Do I have similar values and behaviors to most people on this site possibly?


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I quite often give sarcastic answers to questions which either don't make sense or could have been googles or are just plain stoopid.
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oh yes that's another option lol
You and me too Count : )
I try to, dotty - IMO, most people are asking for genuine help, unless they are being daft for the sake of it.
i like to answer short, sharp and sweet, because if i type too much i get bzzzzzzzzzzzz
what a stupid question!

there, that's what I want to do ;o)
I tend to be too jocular......I must try and be more helpful. However, unlike some on here, if I don't know the answer I don't try and guess.
I try to give a helpful answer to debates, but there are times when I feel like telling some of them who get carried away with themselves and write reams of high faluting up your a&se answers to belt up. (This evening for instance,)
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I don't exactly guess, but I try to make a reasonable reply out of not much of anythin
^ hmm, which one was that then. gran? ;-)
It all depends on the question, sometimes I give answers based on my experience and knowledge, or I might Google for a bit of help, or answer like CAS does. Some people can be very encouraging at times.
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when you read a question on this site do you do what I do?

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