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having a party - help!

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lumination | 15:31 Mon 20th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
im thinking of having a block party for charity. do i have to get permission from the council or anything?


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sorry, what is a block party ?
A bit like a street party. You invite people from round the "block".
I wold assume you will need to tell them that you plan to close the street.
Is AB, or better yet is CB invited?
great idea, especially if its for charity
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of course! its all in the planning stages at the moment though!
lum... what is your avatar image please?
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snags its a one of my favourite bands, they are called Rammstein. they are a heavy metal industrial group from Germany.
No expert but if you are intending to block the highway I'd have thought permission would definitely be needed. Folk have paid to use the roads.

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having a party - help!

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