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good morning all

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berniecuddles | 05:06 Fri 24th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
well its friday and i will finish work at 10.00am so a nice long weekend lets hope the weather stays good lots of tidying up and storing stuff away in the garden to do this weekend!
have a good day and be safe xxx


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morning Bernie.....enjoy the to London to tell family about Redman...expecting hard time from mum but 'lets look at frocks and hats' from my sister will be back Monday absolutely shattered...
morning Bernie and rowanwitch. It's been a night of rain here in Sussex. Hopefully it'll be a decent weekend. We're off to the Isle of Wight for a few days. Have a great weekend everyone. xx

You'll still get stick from your Mum? Don't they ever stop...
Good luck, Rowan x x
Morning all, though it's not very good here in Notts, cold rainy and while the rains not heavy it's that wind driven kind that seems to soak through everything, so there's not a lot of outside stuff getting done today. ummmm it doesn't matter how old you are you always get stick from your mum, thats part of their job desciption
Morning all,

Damp, drizzly grey morning. Glad it's friday though.
overcast but pleasantly warm on the marsh - morning all
It will be the usual
he's too old...its too soon etc...and this will be from someone who married a man 12 years older... who told her own mum she was going to marry him when she was only 15 and he was 27 ..... just following your example mum....
lol....I don't get stick from mine. My Dad use to give me a bit of stick...or more like he gave my BF's stick...He always use to say 'If you blaggard my daughter, I swear to God'

Just realised I forgot to bring the washing in :-( It's all bedding...sopping wet bedding :-(
drizzly here. got a family wedding to go to tomorrow, my blokes, step sisters, cousin lol Then early night for me Sunday to get ready for my new job Monday morning :-)
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hi ya vibes hows it hanging!! lol have a great weekend mate

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