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Dris | 15:49 Fri 24th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
What does WO mean in horse racing betting?


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Women Only ?

Wobbly 'Orse ! lol
I've been betting for years and never seen WO. Could you explain more please? What context did you see it in?
pmsl @ carrust! :)
Think it's the reverse of gee-up
Walk Over...Dris
WD would be Win Double but not sure about WO.....
Walk Over. One horse entered in a race so its owner collects the prize money without an actual race
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pmsl@ the rest of ya dafties :)

Cheers redman -does that mean its a dead cert cos I have a tenner on it lol :)
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o bttw its Lathvian 4.30 @ Haydock :)
WO is a walkover
As sandyroe states, there are no other runners in the Race so Walk bets at Bookies Dris I'm afraid !! lol
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O nice one sandy -didnt see your post -got it at 7/2 fingers crossed.
But there are 11 other runners in that race, good luck though Dris.
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Cheers Mamya ♥
redman -still got a bet on and accepted with PP at 7/2 -wonder if we just edged in before the WO -off to check-will let you know.
Question Author
Just checked -still WO but still taking bets for other horses as are they are all still running -might do a stoke here and suggest a cheeky E/W if you have online betting A/C/
We've never seen it before and we do bet a lot :)

Bet we get stuffed lol
Question Author
We got stuffed :(
o dear

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