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Which is duller?

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bibblebub | 21:11 Sun 26th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Being a professional snooker player, hitting balls into pockets day after day, or being Tom Jones, having to sing Delilah every day for 45 years?

Or any there any more boring jobs to have?


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the money makes it easier though Im sure ;)
21:14 Sun 26th Sep 2010
the money makes it easier though Im sure ;)
I bet tom jones sings that with his hands in his pockets
am i sad i like snooker...
Question Author
yes you are sad mccfluff and at least 20 years behind every one else
I quite like it as well Fuff...

An ad just come on for TJ as well..!!
Yes McFluffy ;-)

And like Cazzz already said, bet the money helps, in both cases!
ah well, guess i'm a saddo then
the wee girl on the old test card had quite a boring job, just standing still for hours
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did she ever win the game of noughts-and-crosses?
I used to be jealous of the test card girl on a school day, that cow can sit there playing games whilst I have to go to school..!!
bet it's boring being the queens hairdresser, she's had the same hairstyle all of my life but i've changed mine dozens of times
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must be quite boring being Molly, every day having to try to think of something banal which will elicit dozens of replies
Tom Jones looks like a Ball, I`ll let you decide which type
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bowling ball - 3 holes into which to stick fingers?
Many moons ago I had a job for one day, laying still on an operating table while surgical drapes were draped over me (they were being demonstrated to hospital buyers, I think .... it was a very long time ago).

Anyhoo .... very boring but quite relaxing and easy. Shame it was only for a day. [:o)

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