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what couldnt you be bothered about.......

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stokemaveric | 20:44 Fri 01st Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
doing today????


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Going out. Too much rain and no gigs.
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Couldn`t be bothered to do anything at all today. I was knackered this morning when I got up because I was working yesterday so when I went to bed last night I had been up for 28 hours. Oh for a nine to five week......Not really, I couldn`t stand it!
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Posting on this thread ;)
I woke up about 2 45am and couldn't go back to sleep, eventually got up finished my book had a cup of tea and went back to bed at 5am. Had to get up at 7.30am for an appointment with my physio. Not the best of days today.
ironing, woss that?!

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what couldnt you be bothered about.......

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