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mollykins | 20:12 Fri 01st Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
How much difference to your life could there be, if you were born either the day before or after your actual birthday.

Of course there's the 'you're likely to die a day sooner/later' but what are the msot dramatic things that could happen?

You could be born on the 31st august or 1st september which would mean you leave school and enter the big wide world a day later/sooner for example.


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I'm not sure a day here or there matters that much
my birthday is the 19th may , if i had been a day later i would have the same birthday as a.y.g x a day earlier it would fall on zzxxee's birthday lol xx
I would not have had to endure the same 'joke' every year from twonks thinking it's the first time I've heard 'OOO are you a witch then?'
Halloween baby?
4get in the spirit of the thread I was following on from the fact you had posted and I jokingly said for my bleeding sins-as you had posted you had had an offer of your old job back at lesser wages just after you had been offered a better job -you could have been back in your old job with lesser money if the timing had been different, !!!
You are either obtuse or obtuse and i'm going for the latter :)
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by 3 I said it's neither here or there...I like being my age I've sort of grown into it
Day after it would be the same day as a close friend of mine.

Someone at my previous workplace was born on the same day in the same year. Never got the time of their birth though!
I've never wanted it any different mazie, I tried to have an official birthday in the summer one year when I was about thirteen, but it didn't work - I got fed up with having a birthday so near Christmas, but now we turn it into one big party week!
Same here Boxy. My Daughter was born on Christmas It's a really busy week at this house....Mostly seen through a haze of champagne and food
boxtops & mazie join the club
Hey Nom - I was born at 6.16pm on the 19th January (a few years before you mind) :)
How exciting we can have a virtual party this year Mctavish. The twenty niners xx
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If I was born a day later I would celebrate my birthday on American independence day. People might actually get my birthday right then.

Also...if OH got my birthday right we might have won the lottery by now. He's been putting '4' instead of '3' for quite sometime...
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uummm that could make a huge difference to your life . . . .
Couldn't it just....I'll buy you a car if I win :-)
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:D Imagine if he'd put three and you won millions, you could be sat on the beach of your own tropical island right now . . . . .
I know...what a twonk. I only found out last night when he asked me to put the numbers on. I asked where he'd got his numbers and they all related to me. Except he'd got my birthday wrong...

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