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moonraker558 | 12:35 Sat 02nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Is there somewhere on this planet that stays the same warm temperature all year round with all mod cons in place that I can emigrate to, thus allowing me to forget the words autumn, winter & spring. Around 70f -80f would be nice.


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How can anyone get bored with all year round summer ratter?
I know, wolf, moonraker may have to do some further research if he doesn't want to end up in the San Diego in the Shetlands.
Didnt notice
The seychelles are the closest to paradise that I have seen. Whether they accept immigrants is another matter.
Doesn`t half rain in the Seychelles though
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I wouldnt be an immigrant i am british. lol
just stay where you are moon, anywhere you go will be full of english in their little communities, moaning about the price of baked beans,
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Yeah i never thought of that, you have put me right of that idea now.

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