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5 perks of being over 40...

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stokemaveric | 21:37 Sat 02nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
1} a hostage situation you are more likely to be released first..2} have a party and the neighbours didnt even know..3}..your secrets are safe with friends because they wont remember them either..4},,,there is nothing left to learn the hard way..5} wont remember reading this list in the morning...goodnite all....


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Stokey, 40 is 30 these days.
Funny. I`ve been doing the same job for 25 years and I don`t get any crap from the public now. I think it is because they think I`m an old bird and they don`t want to upset me. There are lots of perks in being over 40.
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so im nearly 40 then society lol...i guess its called respecting the elderly 237sj lol
Having said that Stoke - some of my colleagues were hostages in the first Gulf War and I don`t think age made any difference

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