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Yah, you can't blame the curry then, phew!
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roast chicken and veggies for us today followed by M&S blackcurrant cheesecake and fresh cream
I'm having chicken tonight............just eating a warm brie and bacon in ciabatta.
oooh crafty, giss a bit...
Smoked Salmon with salad and home made chips.
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mamy that sound lovely to me
we are quizzing it tonight so I will be making the usual SSS to take with me
You'll have to hurry up boxy......
Mmmm! Not having 'Sunday Roast' today, can't be bothered,the G/kids have just left, the place is like a tip,I feel tired, so going to have a snooze on the sofa & later I may do beans on toast (If I feel like it)

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Jem thats what Sunday is about pet ;-0)
Damn, crafty, you've eaten it all!
Hi all,

Had a leisurely morning, me and Mr Funny went for a sunday morning stroll around our local sunday market. Now back cooking the sunday lunch, fried chicken in bbq sauce, homemade of course, roast potatoes and parnsips,a medley of vegetables followed by chocolate pudding! Washed down with wine! I feel guilty........:-(
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no she doesn't ;-(
That brie and bacon sandwich sounded lovely craft.
We've had roast potatoes carrots cabbage and some three in one bird roast, very tasty. I finished off with some date and walnut cake and a milky coffee with Tia Maria in it.
I'm having prawn salad to start and Duck breast for main....
Bacon joint, mashed potato and sweetcorn. And have got one rolo doughnut left. Mmmm
I made a slow-cooked breast of lamb with spicey chickpeas last night-there is enough left for another meal,but I am having a twice baked potato later.... :-)

And sandy-weren't you on a thread yesterday about reheated curry....???..hmmm...
My menus changed because OH has gone to the pub to watch the footie. I don't want to waste duck on him :-)

Steak, homemade chips, peas and salad now.

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We haven't had THE SUNDAY DINNER THREAD today????

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