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doc I am stealing your thunder here..bin a funny ole day...

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Bobbisox | 20:06 Tue 05th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
is it because I am so knackered?
bloody hell I am answering myself now :-0)


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How much for me to respond to prove you are sane?
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that'll get the buggers going..LOL
8 to the £ ;o)

Cheap at twice the price lol
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so they say round these parts.-0(
Strange day and I'm knackered as well....could be the change of season always affects me Bobbi
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I had a really bad nigh mazie, maybe thats it, I will be off to the North Pole very soon...well at 9 then bed I think, my eyes are stinging wanting sleep..
Snap Bobbi. Had a sh!te night and I'm offski in 5 minutes....Sleep well xxx
love you new avatar bobbi xx

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doc I am stealing your thunder here..bin a funny ole day...

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