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What sentence would a Saudi Prince get for killing one of his servants in that country?

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sandyRoe | 23:09 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
1 Despite his royal connections the law would take its course and he'd be beheaded in a public square

2 He'd get a slap on the wrist and be told he was a naughty boy and not to do it again.


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In his own country it would be the prince's word against any witnesses and so the case would never come to court. Different in Britain though which is what I assume you are asking about.

In case anyone's interested here's a link -
I saw that on TV. It was captured on CCTV. It is said that there was also a sexual element to their relationship which makes it more of a crime in his country. I hope they throw the book at him, but as you say being royal there may be a getout clause or lesser punishment.
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Perhaps they would cut his todger off.
He'll be deported to 'serve his sentence'.....
Whoopsy.......he forgot he was in England didn't he?
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It may not be reported but news travels fast, and especially with the level of technology in this day. I'm sure they they know something.
I don't suppose they really care - there are an awful lot of these 'Princes'
Think of it in this country -- Supposing it was Prince Charles, What would the sentence be then??

I think Mummy would step in then. And Camilla would probably prove that he had a doppelganger.

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What sentence would a Saudi Prince get for killing one of his servants in that country?

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