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Mark as best answer option

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dotty. | 18:50 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
do you use it? I do all the time. Wonder when it starts totting up the scores?


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No, I've never bothered - it's only available now on the OP's view isn't it?
Question Author
yes that's why it's called mark as best answer, it's about whether the answer answered the question (as opposed to the answer being a question, or of no help, or annoyingly negative lol :)
Yes I see - but I've never really fathomed the purpose of it, unless you want o go back to it some time later?
I think comparisons are odious, I wouldn't dream of picking one answer out above another. All answers to my questions get prizes.
I'm just grateful when anyone at all answers one of mine!
Question Author
have I never answered one of your questions then?
she said she was grateful, dotty
it already does tot up the scores dotty, i got a large cheque from Ab for all my best answers last week, just put it in my account today

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