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Men, finish this sentence...

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NoMercy | 20:13 Thu 07th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
A man needs a woman like...



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A man needs a woman like... him.
to think fror him lol cazzz needs a new telly
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I posted the twin threads partly for comedic purposes, but largely as a sort of a social study. Sqad has frequently bemoaned the fact that CB is largely female dominated, so I wondered whether there'd be more responses on the female or the male thread.

I've got a 32" tv you can have cazz. It's not flat screen though. That's why I want rid.
-- answer removed --
My daughter's step-brother has just given me his 10 month old 46" Sony Bravia.......his mother isn't happy :-)
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My conclusions are that I am missing Bobjugs like crazy (he's poorly atm and I really wish I could be there to look after him), I'm worried about not having a job in 3 weeks time and I totally forgot that it's my nan's birthday tomorrow. :-(

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Men, finish this sentence...

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