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I've won a share of the €120 Euro Lottery....

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sandyRoe | 07:53 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I had three numbers, How should I spend my winnings?


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On me :-)
box of chocolates?
Question Author
Wouldn't get much of a box of choccies for £6.80 What would you like, Ummmm?
-- answer removed --
A bottle of wine :-)
you can get a tin of pre-Christmas Roses/Quality St etc for a fiver!
I haven't checked my tickets yet. It could be me buying you lot presents :-)
Question Author
Red, white, or rosé? I'll have to get a few of those tins of chocolates. They'd make good presents @ around a fiver
White please :-)
Question Author
Would you not go and check you numbers, Ummmm? A really nice present would be a lifelong tenancy of a small villa somewhere warm in southern Spain. Then I wouldn't need to sit here wrapped in my duvet.
Type Your Answer Here..6 on a 4 row sindicate. But other lot owe me 2 quid each for buying ticket. So go my money back
I think the tickets are in his wallet....
One person in the UK won the jackpot.

I got one number + 1 lucky star... ie bugger all. lol
put i all on todays lotto!!

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I've won a share of the €120 Euro Lottery....

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