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Age is but a number!!!

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Zammo | 11:51 Sat 09th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
Yoko Ono is in the papers today admitting she only realised John Lennon would have
been 70 today, when fans got in touch promising to remember their music hero. She says she doesn't like to count how long he's been gone. She's also revealed how he'd hated the thought of getting old - particularly as he approached his 40th birthday. lets celebrate the age we are - give me a reason why it's good being the age you are? I love being 31 because I can appreciate a bit of Spagna "Call Me" when it comes on in a nightclub!


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I've liked every age so far...
Although I can't imagine being happy when my boobs start to sag...

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Age is but a number!!!

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