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Who coined the phrase Oo-Err Mrs

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Bobbisox | 14:07 Sun 10th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Stewey says he hasn't heard of it before and I can't hink who said it
Was it in the Carry on Films..hated them btw


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I think it was Frankie Howerd, but I amy be wrong.
Frankie Howard ?
from a carry on film ?
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arrh thanks guys
Stewey said he hadn't heard of it but had seen it in here a lot
thats Canadians for
Don't think it came from a Carry On film, it was part of Frankie Howerd's stand-up routine.
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didn't care for him either mike...
theres a few in that era should never have had the acolade of comedian
Oooh ... Don't titter : )

Good ole Frankie.
Yes, bobbi, we're slightly behind the times: five hours, actually:)
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I know that stewey,,lol twas a tic thing about Canadians pet ♥
I agree. Wasn't struck on him as a stand-up comic, but he was good in Up Pompeii. At that time of course I was much younger and all the innuendo was rather daring. I always watch the film when it's repeated on TV, but obviously a lot of the topical references are very dated now.
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oh yes I remember that with the brilliant Derek Jacobi?
Anway, I Gaaargled and found this:
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ha-ha stewey ;-0)
lol Derek Jacobi in Up Pimpeii lol very funny
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what do I mean then dotty

oh sh!t it should have been I Claudius...but 10 out of 10 for that

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Who coined the phrase Oo-Err Mrs

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