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evening all..

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Bobbisox | 23:41 Sun 10th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I trust you have all had a good evening?


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It is better than the alternative welsh!
I want some of the lovely roast lamb..
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I am away to me bed
have fun and be good peeps
Bobbi x
Night bobbi sweet dreams and ttfn ♥
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nite pet.x
I know ttfn!.......much better, I know that I will get there, but not yet, we all have to, but I am determined to do there fighting!
Yay bobbi, that's better! I have to go to bed too, work in the morning..... nite all ♥
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night boxy x
Nos Dda now Bobbi, you sleep well!............................
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you too pet x
I am away shortly too. Night lasses (and lads if there are any around). x
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night mrs c x
Nos Dda Mrs C, sleep well now............speak soon...................
Yay, nice to see the bonny Bobbi back. x

Nos Dda welsh. x

Night all. Mrs.C signing out. x

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evening all..

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