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good morning all

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berniecuddles | 05:12 Mon 11th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
well start of another week,what a lovely weekend weather wise here in kent quite warm!
only thing weekend went so quickly as usual!
anyway have a good day and be safe!! xx


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Morning all I am last as usual again but I have done my early morning jobs such as fed and cleaned the birds out . Have a nice day all.Start of a new week soon comes round.
garden looks much better after a weekend blitz I don't...'hayfever from mould spores, scratched from pruning thorny shrubs..and walking like an 80 yearold I am soooo stiff...and now I've come to work and the milk has gone off over the w.end so no coffee until the hospital shop opens at 9...
morning wendilla
Morning everyone =)
morning rinkins
Morning Dr F
Morning all, morning Dr FIlth.

Such a lovely morning, the sun is shining and it's gonna be as hot as it were yesterday. Beautiful.
hi rinkinsx
Hi Zee!

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good morning all

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