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Why is it when I watch Dan....

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hippyhoppy | 07:31 Tue 12th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Lobb on Daybreak I think of Salla....?


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Oooh yes, he is very palatable.
I have heard that when Dan's Lobb is on,,,,,, it's cos he's thinking of me ;-)

(whoops - slip of an apostrophe....)
07:35 Tue 12th Oct 2010
Oooh yes, he is very palatable.
I have heard that when Dan's Lobb is on,,,,,, it's cos he's thinking of me ;-)

(whoops - slip of an apostrophe....)
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hee hee - glad you saw this Salla...
I do admire him so. Glad they kept him on when they changed to that awful Daybreak format.... We need some eye candy, and Adrian Chiles definitely isn't any kind of sweet or treat.
is he the sports guy????
Oh yes. And I would be game...
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He is zzxxee.. and he's Salla's boy (she must have mentioned it at some point, because everytime he comes on I think of her!!!) (and she's adorable)
hes very cute x
I do like tall men.
so peter crouch floats your boat then??? lol hes the tallest guy i can think of !!
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Is Dan tall..? he's always sitting down when I see him... and Peter Crouch.. a bit gangly for me...
No - not Peter Crouch. I like them with a bit of meat on them.

Besides, Crouchy blotted his copy book when he messed around with that prossie.
-- answer removed --
Errr.... no Steve ??

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Why is it when I watch Dan....

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