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Seriuosly, You dont understand this company, Im on contract employment and my staff are Self employed, and its a door to door job. Like I said the complaints were dropped and there were actually only 3 not 5 which all had no grounds and I had the right to let go, for being didhonest and not turning up 2 work. I have in total 38 Staff since the begining of this year as they are temporay contracts, and only 3 complaints, come on no ones perfect either way. My point is the company has a habit of pushing people out and so far Ive known of 3 constructive dismisall cases in the last 2 years of whom all won, and this company as any does not like people standing up for the rights. I agree with you Vagrant, that is the cold reality, but Im not a person who just quits and gives up, but in the meantime I'm looking for work elsewhere.