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What's the latest with the Chilean Lothario?

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Bbbananas | 09:13 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
You know - the one with the wife & the mistress waiting for him. Did they show his reunion(s) on tv? Did he get a chilly reception?


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lol I was wondering that. He probably wishes he was back down the mine
Well.......apparently, the "wife" bu99ered off, leaving the mistress......LOL

"Out of the frying pan into the fire" comes to mind.......LOL

Who said that life was fair?........certainly not me.
it was a but brushed over
I wonder if he was one of those who was met by his 'brother'
Someone should put up a thread about
Would the British show such patriotism and National pride?
probably not for fear of insulting some bigot, yes, that old chestnut again..LOL
He was met by a woman but they said they didn't know if it was his mistress or sister.
hope they all remembered to clock out think of all the overtime they would miss out on !!!
Yonny his name is. He said before he came up he wanted his girlfriend there to greet him not his wife of 28 years.

ha-ha wendi
very diplomatic then ;-0)
It shouldn't be an issue. It's his private life.
-- answer removed --
scroll down to 21st miner Yonni Barrios
No more 'shaft sliding' of any kind for Yonni...
There`s going to be a whip round for him....Dig deep everyone

I`ll get me coat
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You were the only one who picked up the 'chile' reception...........

I knew we had great minds that thought alike x
Will you marry me? !

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What's the latest with the Chilean Lothario?

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