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fao DEN..

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Bobbisox | 16:49 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
here's the December part of the looking a tad simple I think..LOL
but was worth it for charity..



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I bet you had a laugh making it - ha ha

Perhaps us girlies on AB could do a calendar for charity - I wonder what size cakes everyone would need to cover their 'bits' - (:0 )
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that was a good 6 yrs ago, yes it was a lot of fun but very hard work too
3 Tier Wedding cake for me Den :o)

Read your post on Ratter's thread. I'll mail you tonight xxx
have you got a silver bow in your hair Bobbi, or is that the top of a smal christmas tree?
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my hair was a bit red on the other one and I had to wear specs with no glass in them...oh what fun..LOL
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wait till I have a peek Mazie ;-0)
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a white thing with blue feathers sticking out I think...ha-ha
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okey dokey Mazie.

My cakes would be 2 family sized victoria sponges .......
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that awful carpet was lovely...I thought ..LOL
What carpet ?
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ha-ha you don't want to know DEN I cropped the photo to use, I had a green mixy carpet, well we all did then...eweeeegh!!!
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I had to get clear specs for my wedding bobbi,. otherwise with all the flashes I would have looked like I was wearing sunglasses....
Bobbie I have to say Kevin looks really scary. Not the glad tidings of comfort and joy from him. lol.
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too much of showing me thighs and me chest, I am going to be modest... yes I ma,,lol

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fao DEN..

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