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Can a Queef be held back?

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McMouse | 14:44 Thu 14th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
Or does it just happen?


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Only on occasions such as these and when the other was otherwise engaged, perhaps with the coachman, wink wink.
the Coachman is my local pub;-)
air in the vagina !
And they say men are worse than women........Ha!
Tweenies were only allowed to dally with 3rd footmen. 2nd footmen were accommodated by the upstairs maid, whist the 1st footman saw to Her Ladyship.
too much Downton mike ?
Not at all, Mazie, but I'm a great believer in protocol and etiquette.

To return to the original question, I believe a Queef can be held back, but then it becomes a feeuQ.
Darn Mousy! Thought Queefing was going to reach at least 100.
Carry on with the qeefing folk, there's a mark to be reached. :-)
Me too Mike, hence I have no idea what you lot are talking about ;o)
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ladies don't make noises vibra :o)
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I think there is still some life in this thread. I wonder if there is a verb "to queef"? If so, then the 3rd person singular active indicative would be "queefs". Not so sure about the past tense, though. Would a lady say, "Pardon me, but I have just queefed, queeved or queft"?
If shagging is done right both parties would make noise. :-)
LOL, I'm sure they do :o)
Those who toil throughout the day, thereby missing this, to support those of us who, through reason of illness, old age or extreme idleness can't be arsed to get up and earn our own crust, might like to keep this thread going just a little longer.
It's the "large objects in their toots" that I'm wondering about McM. No amount of gel will make a difference to that. Thank goodness we have TV, radio and pubs for entertainment on hot days nowadays. Unless of course it could be a new craze. I think the chav culture would love it.
What's a "toot"? or does that need a thread all of its own?
Question Author
Toot is US euphemism for lady parts
vaginal area? why so reticent? say vagina if that is what you mean.

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