ChatterBank3 mins ago
Standing Order paid into wrong account.
6 Answers
I recently set up a standing order online, but i entered the wrong account details and it has been paid in to the wrong account. My bank is bank of Scotland and the account I paid the money into was the Royal Bank of Scotland. I went into my local bos and they say its the rbs that needs to get me my money back but I have just had a call from rbs saying it bos that has to try and get my money back. Who is it that needs to try and get my money back? Have I lost my money, as I was my mistake?
you shuld be able to write to your bank and ask them to recall the money (which they can do) or contact the receipient bank to advise of the error - ultimately, yes the error was yours, but you can definitely get your money back - put a request in writing, if you dont get anywhere - make a formal complaint - and then if they still dont do anything, take the complaint to...
19:11 Sat 09th Oct 2010
Did you use the sort code for the RBS instead of BoS and the account number you used is a valid RBS account? I don't see how BoS would get involved and think it will be down to the RBS. I recall a similar case in the media recently and think the account holder who received the money couldn't be compelled to return it.
Tha fault is entirely yours IMO, you issued signed instructions to the BOS to pay money into the designed RBOS account. I would write to RBOS (not phone, you need a record) and ask them to contact the account-holder who's received your money, and ask if they will refund it to you. I don't know what the precedent is in this case but it's worth a try. Unfortunately a standing order is set up by the originator so it's up to you to make sure that the details are right in the first place - and incidentally (if you haven't yet) you also need to instruct BOS to cancel the wrong s/o now too, that has to be done by you too otherwise any future payments would be wrong too.
Sorry to hear of your dilemma. Here in Australia we have a Banking Ombudsman. We have several other Ombudsmen too for varying problems. I'm not sure what recourse you have available to you in the UK but hopefully there's someone in authority willing to mediate with all concerned on your behalf. If you leave it with the banks it'll just be a "he said, she said" can of worms. Given you are a bos customer, I think they should do all they can for you as a goodwill gesture. Persistence is the key and it's very important that you keep all lines of communication open. Good luck.!
you shuld be able to write to your bank and ask them to recall the money (which they can do) or contact the receipient bank to advise of the error - ultimately, yes the error was yours, but you can definitely get your money back - put a request in writing, if you dont get anywhere - make a formal complaint - and then if they still dont do anything, take the complaint to the financial ombudsman service.