Does anyone else find that after a while on AB, the banter starts intruding on real life? Three things happened today:
1. Our office cleaners left a note in the kitchen and someone was ill-mannered enough to pass comment on their grammar (by scrawling on the notice). It was so unnecessary - then I saw that someone else had inked "some people are very rude" and a big arrow towards that comment. I would love to have added a MarkRae type comment but I reined myself in.
2. A bloke had a niggle at me for putting "attached" instead of "below" in an email. (He was right.) Being nice I thanked him for putting me right, but I so much wanted to say to him "jeez, don't you have anything better to do that pick me up on an error?" as I might have on here...
3. Someone's just left me a message on eBay in textspeak and ended up LOL.... so tempting to write back in the same vein, but I didn't.
I have to remember the context.... anyone else fallen foul of AB-speak when in a different setting?
I have dreams sometimes where people from on here come and go - only they are just an avatar. The best one was when Boxy and 4get were having a running battle in the street, but it was just 2 wee squares bashing into one another. I really should spend less time on here.....