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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:00 Sat 16th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
It's the weekend! A clear sky but somewhat nippy this morning. Let's hope it's a sunny day.

Have a happy day everyone.


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And a very good morning to you waterboatman
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Morning Elvis. Any plans for the day?
Yes, sleep and lots of it, night, or morning in your case
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Sounds like a good plan to me!
morning - just off to take my house guest for a walk up to the shops and collect the paper. Nice to have a dog about the place for a week or so.
morning wbm and all - we've gone back to winter, fires and woollies !! rats !!
morning WBM cold and still pretty dark in Wales...birding today...will be freezing on the shore ....Brilliant...!!!!
Hope all is well in your part of the world have a good day everyone
Morning WBM and all heavy rain here in Leics last night but bright this morning. Cat sitting then pop into town. Have a nice weekend all.
Morning all. I'm lying in bed with my computer on my legs and I've now got dead leg syndrome as a result....

Anyone volunteering to bring me a cuppa? x
Morning all, quite nice here a bit chilly but sunny, Max has just enjoyed his first proper walk in a few days as we've been suffering from the most horrendous cold ever hopefully that will be it for a while

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Good morning early birds!

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