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whats happened to louis walsh??

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stokemaveric | 20:06 Sat 16th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
he looks like tin


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ooh so he does stoke, yes, youre right there lol ...
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so its not just me that thinks like that then then looby?? lol
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yeah butch, i think the site is behaving now .. its quickened up anyway
Apparently Simon told Louis that he ought to get his eyebags removed. According to the Daily Wail this morning. So he admitted that he had his eyes done. Looking and listening to the X factor panel I reckon they are all primped and manipulated, and a credit to their respective plastic surgeons.
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lol ayg
there is a subtle quiff thing going on with his hair isnt there? lol
Mr Whippy
i didn't realise he had that much hair.
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whats happened to louis walsh??

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