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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:15 Mon 18th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Start the week. No frost this morning, can't see any stars either, so it must be cloudy. How's that for deduction Watson!

Have a happy day everyone.


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I remember wendi. Your pup will always be around.
just outside Paisley wbm It's still dark here but ground is looking damp.

I'm sorry about your loss wendi, they leave a hole when they go. Lucy (the mutterooni) is a hoot and brother, can she draw you dirty looks lol
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They are very good at that alba. There is no mistaking what they mean!
I've been to Scotland but never got to Paisley.
We had 2nd Battalion Scots Guards with us in Malaysia in the mid sixties. A good regiment.
Morning all. A lovely dry but cold morning morning here in Sussex. I was up and about at 5am and it was soooooo beautiful outside. Loads of stars. A really clear sky. Hope you all have a great day wherever you are.
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Morning jan. you were up about the same time as me. It was indeed beautiful. No building can match it!
I suppose it's like everywhere else wbm, good parts and not so good areas.

They liked mucking around with the regiments a few years back, didn't they? Merging this one with that one, I didn't think highly of that.
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I agree. I don't know why they do it. Lots of famous names have disappeared. all the county regiments have gone.
very good morning to everyone - a definite touch of winter in the air this morning!
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Morning carmalee. It's that time of year right enough! Winter draws on! :-)
yuck with winter, cold and dark :)

morning carmalee

Is it next weekend that the clocks go back or the weekend after?
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Next weekend I think alba. I wish they'd stop mucking about with it. It's not necessary now.
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Time to go. Have a happy day everyone.
you too wbm, hope you have a nice day x
good morningx
Good morning all!
and good morning to you too, AB Ed .. and everyone else as well
Morning everybody, back to normal here in Notts, dull and miserable with loads of dark clouds that look full of rain.
morning stragglers !!

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Good morning early birds!

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