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It's Anti-Slavery Day today...

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Bbbananas | 14:14 Mon 18th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I wish someone would tell my Boss that.............. ;-)

(Who the hell thought up this anyway - what next, an Anti-Pot-Noodle Day? A Pro-Harley-Davidson Day?)


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I think it still exists. Places like Saudi Arabia, North West Africa, Pakistan, and India.
Here in the UK there are reports of 'sex slaves' forced to work in brothels.
It's good that we have an occasional reminder that the world can be an ugly place for some.
Maybe we need an anti-complacency day :c(
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Yeah sandy, you're quite correct. I was being unthinking and uncaring.

I've just never heard of such a day before - but if it does any good, then it's not so silly after all :-(
But if you'll start up that anti Pot Noodle day I'll be right behind you.
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Or Anti-Cheese-Strings Day?
To remind us how lucky we are for our liberty.....not to be taken for granted !
I have a cheesy string vest somewhere. I'll have to dig it out for the winter. Thanks for the reminder.
It is rife in the far east, many many products including for example some of the major brands of sport clothing (Nike, Umbro etc) have been made by the exploitation of children and women.
There is no end to slavery.
child slavery is still a big problem unfortunatley
Many of these so-called "days" are dreamt up by pressure groups or commercial organisations eager to separate you from your money. The one which particualarly irks me is the hijacking of the solemn occasion of Ash Wednesday by the anti-smoking lobby as "No Smoking Day"
i fell for the national kissing day scam
Question Author
That must have been why you contracted thrush fluffy (oral)
that's the one salla!
Now then now then ladies !
its ok AP i fell for it afterall :-)

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