I have been watching the dev diaries on MP and am stunned at how precise the surroundings need to be for it to function properly.
Not sure the leaked manual is genuine but you need to stand a minimum of 6ft away from the Kinect sensor which in itself needs to be ideally more than 2 ft off the ground. It should be well ventilated (RROD anyone?!) and if your tv speakers are at the base of your tv it shouldnt be positioned there.
My particular favourite is your clothing choice which must contrast with your background and be tight fitting.
When this was first announced I was genuinely interested as it sounded incredible but the more that was leaked the more it become apparent that yet again MS are looking after the US market with their larger living spaces.
They have hung their hat on this being an incredibly popular product which it may well still prove to be but I wonder how many people will be returning theirs immediately after purchase when they realise that they do not have the space available?