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Have they just raised the pension age again?

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dotty. | 13:08 Wed 20th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
What the hell!! Does that mean they've just said I've to work an extra year now?


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please don't turn this into a mollygate thread!
Craft my Daughter is at Uni this week she has lectures on Friday, thats it and she is getting into a bundle of debt for that.
Sorry Dott
Sorry Dotty.....
ooops sorry dotty :-(

i shall hang my head in shame
dot.......there was no grollygate until the thread went from pensions to school attendance.
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cheers for the sticky Ed, and for highlighting a burning issue of the day......why Mollie is not at school.
Just checked state pension still at 65 for me...but as I was a sensible bunny and paid into a pension scheme since 18 years old so I am going early at 55 smaller pension but young enough to enjoy myself and so I can have more time with the best beloved...or we'll be too old to go birding together, Will probably do a bit of agency or part time work to supplement income til 65 if I can't manage
lol dot
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I have a pension that I started in 1981 that has done ok and another I started in 1999 and my new one i started with this new job, it's going to be complicated to work out what would be the outcome financially if i took it all at 60.
sounds like a great plan Rowan. Time together is far more important than extra money in your purse.

dotty can't you get someone to look at the 3 of them and give you some sort of projection for finishing at 60
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I'm sure there is a calculator thing online somewhere but i'll have to dig out the annual statements for the two works pensions and the predictions for them and the new one i have.
would be worth doing dotty, gives you a choice. Would have hated not to have that when I decided to retire early. I retired at 50 and got a good company pension. I contiued working but for myself, now doing just 3 days a week and its perfect.
I have never been able to afford a private pension, but by the way they keep raising the retirement age and the fact that life expectancy in my area is one of the lowest in the country I'll probably be dead before I retire - there's always a silver lining :)
Just as a matter of interest, when State Retirement Pensions were first introduced (at the rate of 25p per week) the qualifying age was 70. Not many men lived to collect it in those days.
thanks for the info site mazie, very interesting.
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Karen some law or other changed back in the late 70s when maggie was in charge and eberyone had to pay into one I think, then it got changed back again sometime in the 1990s
That'd be about right - I started work in 1990 and most of my wages went on the ruddy poll tax!
pay back time - we've kept you critters long enough :)

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Have they just raised the pension age again?

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