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wayne rooney

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gina32 | 15:28 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
has nothing else happened in the world today? thats all thats on the news


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as the old saying goes gina22....''money talks''....he has made himself look a right to**er i hope my club stuff them on sunday....
No doubt he's had a nice pay rise to pay for a more upmarket hooker!
he is reportedly to have a new deal worth £200.000 a week yes 200 grand a WEEK..ludicrious....
Will always be an ugly bastard though...
He can't be as green as he's cabbage looking. He's a new contract and getting paid nearly a million a month.
Hopefully now he's signed there'll be some other news.....
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all just a con if you ask me

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wayne rooney

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