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bandearg | 19:13 Sun 24th Oct 2010 | Crosswords
8 Answers
22 polar expanses (3,6) Ice ?i?l?s
29 renegade, rat (8) ?e?e?t?e
is it defector or deserter

many thanks


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22 ice fields
22 Ice Fields
29 Deserter (rat leaving sinking ship!)
Question Author
thank you
22 Ice fields
29 It's neither if your last 'E' is correct (?) If it's an 'R', I'd prefer 'Deserter'...
Question Author
lie in i think last e is correct as it is ambulance chaser for an undesirable lawyer
Which 'E' from 'Ambulance chaser' is the one in question? I can't see this at the moment...
Question Author
oh sorry no I meant to say the first e is from spree jamboree binge and its the last e
the second e is from tell tale for squealer scandalmonger

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