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slinky.kate | 18:56 Sun 24th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
i drove son silly today to get me an avatar,it took him ages,do you like it,at first i thought it was the same as askyourgran'but it is differant


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you are like a couple of sisters kate..LOL
Its braw Kate -gave me a wee chuckle:)
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askyourgran is lovely wouldnt mind her as a sister.
aye she wouldn't let you down katy pet
I think I'm slightly better looking slinky, but we should get the guys going. lol
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butch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Butch, naughty step.--------->
I like it!!!
I see you are speechless ttfn.
You look lovely Slinky :0)
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Not really gran - never featured in a rogues gallery afore
<< awaits back chat >>
Get off the furniture Butch

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