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What is Isass.exe

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10ClarionSt | 21:22 Sat 23rd Oct 2010 | Computers
4 Answers
On my Task Manager, there is a process called Isass.exe I checked this on the internet and as far as I can tell it is a Trojan that should be deleted. Does anyone know any more about this? Thanks.


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I certainly hope that it's not a trojan because it's on my PC (exactly where I'd expect it to be)!

Sometimes the very first link thrown up by Google is the one with the correct information ;-)

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10ClarionSt, the site you refer to is part of the UniBlue mob. They have loads of websites offering fake reviews of their own products, and trying to con you into paying for a load of cr@p to remove non-existent viruses.
Look in search to see where it is located .. If in Windows/System32 and is around 13Kb, it is most likely ok.
It IS a Microsoft system file. If you are on XP and SP3, it is maybe shown as ver: 5.1.2600.5512 (that is last modded in Apr 2008)

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