Men think their first kiss is their most treasured memory!!!! I read that in the papers this morning. Tell me about your first kiss ? Mine was up against a tree and the guy said i pressed too hard - charming eh?!
Had just come out of cinema watching Errol Flynn I think it was Jane Russel now I am showing my age. But we were walking across this railway bridge and I was imagining I was her with Errol Flynn. Daft sod I was when I think about it .
"Upmarket, snotty Bitch"..bloody awful legs, full of herself, parents thought that I wasn't good enough for her (they were right ;-)) and she was going on holiday and I kissed her outside her house.........and she replied
"Do you think that you should make a habit of this sort of thing?"
What a bag, I soon dumped her and went down market for a bit of experience.