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well thats it for the day for me....

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stokemaveric | 12:04 Tue 26th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
im sick of getting soaked through....


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me too, and also, my shoes are no longer waterproof. i have very wet socks
Is it raining outside then?
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its persisting down sure ive just seen noahs ark float past the window....
do you have sandbags ?
wind is picking up quite a bit now...

<<<ive just seen noahs ark float past the window...<<<<

Was he your 20/1 tip from yesterday?
Careful sqad, the apostrophe police are about. was stoke, not me ;-)
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lol that 1 is still running....
Horrible innit?

Even the dog won't go out today.

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well thats it for the day for me....

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