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Central Heating costs

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fergusmca | 18:43 Sun 24th Oct 2010 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
How much should oil fired central be costing me per week? I have a 4 bedroom bungalow, 25 years old. Up for work at 7, out by 8.30, home for lunch 1 - 2pm, home again at 5pm. I reckon the last four weeks averaged out at £35 per week.


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it would help if you told us when the heating was on!
your post implies it's on 15.5 hours a day (7-8 30; 1-2 then 5-7am)
It would also help if you told us at what temperature you have set the themostat, how well insulated your house is and what the approximate outside temperature is, as well as the price of fuel oil. As a guide last winter which was long and cold, my gas heating (continuously on at 20C) for my uninsulated stone bungalow cost about £35 per week.
£700 per annum.
Plus or minus £300.

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Central Heating costs

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